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Formal audiences

A newly-appointed ambassador to Norway from another country must present his or her credentials to the King at a formal audience.

The new ambassador is collected and driven to the Royal Palace in one of the palace’s escort vehicles. At the palace the ambassador is greeted by a parade of His Majesty The King’s Guard and received by the King, who wears the gala uniform of the Norwegian Army.

At the audience the ambassador presents his or her credentials (in the form of Letters of Credence) to the King. When the King has accepted them the ambassador is formally accredited to Norway.

King Harald with the new ambassador from Botswana, Her Excellency Ms Chandapiwa Nteta, in 2021. Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB

Formal audiences last year

In 2024 King Harald received Letters of Credence from 24 ambassadors. They represented Mongolia, Kenya, Jamaica, Burundi, Russia, Botswana, Albania, Suriname, Ghana, the Netherlands, Brazil, Estonia, Spain, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Mauritania, Thailand, Costa Rica, Sweden, Argentina, Zambia, Oman, Qatar and Egypt.

In addition, the Crown Prince Regent received three ambassadors representing Armenia, Japan and Mexico.

Official programme

All audiences that are granted will appear in The Royal Family's official programme. Please follow the link to Official engagements for an overview.



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