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His Majesty The King’s Military Staff

His Majesty The King’s Military Staff consists of career officers with the rank of captain or higher, and represents all three branches of the military: the Army, Navy and Air Force.

The Military Staff is comprised of:

  • Chief of His Majesty The King’s Military Staff
  • His Majesty The King’s Principal Aides-De-Camp (ADC) (three - one from each military branch)
  • His Majesty The King’s ADCs (three – one from each military branch)
  • His Royal Highness The Crown Prince’s ADCs (three - one from each military branch)
  • Her Royal Highness Princess Ingrid Alexandra’s ADC (from when she came of age at 18)

All ADCs at the Royal Palace are distinguished by an aiguillette (a braided, gold or silver cord) worn around the right shoulder.

The position of ADC is not open to application. It is a role that an officer is asked to assume, and it is considered to be an honour to be asked and to serve as an ADC. ADCs are selected from among both female and male officers, and the appointments to duty take place in the Council of State.

ADCs serve for a three-year period. Rotation is staggered, such that one Principal and one ordinary ADC serving the King and one of the ADCs serving the Crown Prince are replaced on 1 September every year.

Duties of the King’s Military Staff

The Principal ADCs have ceremonial as well as practical duties. They participate in and perform ceremonial tasks during presentations of letters of credence by ambassadors to the King as well as in connection with state visits to Norway, gala banquets, lunches and other engagements at the Royal Palace.

Practical duties consist of project management related to large-scale events at the Royal Palace such as weddings, baptisms and other important occasions. The Principal ADCs have no fixed monthly duty but are summoned to service according to need.

The King's and The Crown Prince's ADCs have fixed duty at the Royal Palace every third month, and the service rotates among the three ADCs from each of the military branches. During the two months when the officers are not at the Royal Palace, they are on duty at their permanent places of work.

The duties of the ADCs consist of:

  • Planning, coordination, facilitation and escort tasks related to the official programme of the King, the Crown Prince and the Princess
  • Planning and preparation of and participation in activities related to visits within Norway and abroad, including coordination of arrangements with hosts, county governors’ offices and embassies, and necessary post-visit follow-up tasks
  • Planning and preparation of audiences, receptions and meetings
  • Ensuring that the King, the Crown Prince and the Princess have been provided with any necessary background material and assisting in practical matters in connection with official visits.


All officers who serve on the King’s Military Staff are permanent employees of the Armed Forces. The Armed Forces pays their salary and travel expenses, but the Royal Court provides them with office space and covers related expenses.

The King’s Military Staff functions as a department of the Royal Court, and as Chief Officer, the Chief of the King’s Military Staff participates in the Lord Chamberlain’s management group. The Chief Officer reports directly to the Lord Chamberlain on a daily basis and in all matters pertaining to the Royal Palace. The Lord Chamberlain assigns duties and issues instructions to the Chief Officer. In matters regarding the Armed Forces, the Chief Officer reports to the Chief of Defence.

Brigadier Steffen Masserud currently serves as the Chief of His Majesty The King’s Military Staff.


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