Organisations under the patronage of HM The King
Royal patronage serves to raise public awareness of an organisation or a specific event that supports a worthy cause.
His Majesty King Harald is the patron of:
- The American-Scandinavian Foundation
- The Anglo-Norse Society
- Bergen International Festival
- The Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra
- Friends of the Earth Norway/Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature
- Lions Clubs International – Norway
- Det Nasjonale Aldershjem for Sjømenn ("The Norwegian Seamen’s Retirement Home")
- Nasjonalforeningen for folkehelsen (“The National Association for Public Health”)
- Norges Militære Kameratforeningers Forbund ("The Norwegian Federation of Military Associations")
- Norges Orlogsforbund (The Norwegian Federation)
- Norsk Anchorite Klubb ("The Norwegian Anchorite Club")
- The Norway-America Association
- Norway House, the National Norwegian Center in America
- The Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences
- The Norwegian Association of Hunters and Anglers
- The Norwegian Association of UN Veterans
- The Norwegian Bible Society
- The Norwegian Cancer Society
- The Norwegian Civilian Marksmanship Association
- The Norwegian Forestry Society
- The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church Minneapolis, Minnesota
- The Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation of Sports
- The Norwegian Reservists Association
- The Norwegian Seamen’s Church – Church of Norway Abroad
- Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research
- The Norwegian Society for Sea Rescue
- The Offshore Northern Seas Foundation
- The Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters
- Sons of Norway
- WWF World Wildlife Foundation (Norwegian branch)