USA 2011
King Harald and Queen SonjaKing Harald and Queen Sonja are on an official visit to the US 13 - 22 October 2011 (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
Waiting ...Patiently waiting ... (Photo: Urd Berge Milbury)
Arrival4 year old Bergen Gandrud Pickett had flowers for Queen Sonja when The King and Queen arrived at their hotel (Photo: Urd Berge Milbury)
Luther CollegeKing Harald and Queen Sonja arrive at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, were they are welcomed by President Richard Torgerson (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
Luther CollegeKing Harald and Queen Dronning Sonja during their visit to Luther College (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
Luther CollegeThe King and Queen presented with a ceramic platter during their visit to Luther College. The gift was presented by Norwegian student Robert Vangen (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
Luther CollegeKing Harald delivers his speech at Luther College (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
DecorahDecorah was decorated with Norwegian and American flags in honour of the Royal visit (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
Vesterheim MuseumVesterheim Norwegian-American Museum (Photo: Sven Gjeruldsen, the Royal Court)
FlowersThe King and Queen are greeted with flowers outside Vesterheim Museum (Photo: Urd Berge Milbury)
Vesterheim MuseumThe King and Queen were given a guided tour of a special exhibition on the Norwegian-American sculptor Sigbjørn Asbjørnsen (1867-1954) at Vesterheim Museum (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
The Luren SingersThe Luren Singers, the oldest Norwegian-American men's choir in the US reherse outside Vesterheim (Photo: Urd Berge Milbury)
DecorahDecorah was decorated with Norwegian and American flags in honour of the Royal visit (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
DecorahNorwegian-Amrerican children waited for King Harald and Queen Sonja by Vesterheim Museum (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
DecorahFrom left: Danielle Storli (17), Heather Solberg (18), Jordan Gerard (17) and Emily Myrah (10) from Spring Grove - participants in the "Miss Syttende Mai 2011" competition (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
King Harald and Queen SonjaKing Harald and Queen Sonja meet members of the press after their day in Decorah (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
St.Olaf CollegeKing Harald and Queen Sonja during their visit to St.Olaf College, Northfield (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
St. Olaf CollegeKing Harald and Queen Sonja during their visit to St.Olaf College, Northfield (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
St.Olaf CollegeKing Harald giving a speech at St.Olaf College, Northfield (Photo: Lise Åserud, Scanpix)
Queen SonjaQueen Sonja at St.Olaf College (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
St.Olaf CollegeKing Harald and Queen Sonja visited the Norwegian students at St.Olaf College (Photo: Lise Åserud)
St. Olaf CollegeKing Harald and Queen Sonja visited the Norwegian students at St.Olaf College (Photo: Lise Åserud)
St.Olaf CollegeKing Harald and Queen Sonja at St. Olaf College (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
Mayo ClinicKing Harald is greeted by Dr. Noseworthy, CEO and President of the Mayo Clinic (Photo: Urd Berge Milbury)
Mayo ClinicKing Harald and Queen Sonja are met byt Hannah Keach (10) and Will Canan (13) at Mayo Clinic, Rochester (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
Mayo ClinicA second encounter: Harold de Vries gives King Harald a photo where he met His Majesty 46 years ago (Photo: Urd Berge Milbury)
Mayo ClinicKing Harald and Queen Sonja at Mayo Clinic (Photo: Urd Berge Milbury)
Augsburg CollegeKing Harald and Queen Sonja attend a student worship service in the chapel of Augsburg College (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
Augsburg CollegeWorship service in the chapel of Augsburg College (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
Augsburg CollegeKing Harald and Queen Sonja visit the Peace Pole Monument at Augsburg College (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
Augsburg CollegeIt was a little too cold for Maya Pribbenow and Olivia Szaj (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
ReceptionKing Harald and Queen Sonja at a reception at the residence of the Governor Mark Dayton of Minnesota (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix).
The Governor's residenceThe Governor's residence in Minneapolis (Photo: Sven Gjeruldsen, The Royal Court)
Official banquetAmbassador Wegger Strømmen and Ms Cecilie Strømmen hosted a banquet in honour of Their Majesties in Minneapolis (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
Official banquetQueen Sonja arrives for the banquet at the Hilton Hotel in Minneapolis (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
Official banquetKing Harald gave a speech during the banquet at Hilton Hotel (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
DuluthThe Minnesota National Guard transported the King and Queen and their party to and from Duluth in Blackhawk helicopters (Foto: Lise Åserud / Scanpix).
DuluthWaiting for The King and Queen's arrival at Norway Hall in Duluth (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
DuluthKing Harald gives his speech in Duluth (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
Norway HallThe King and Queen arrive at Norway Hall in Duluth (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
Norway HallThe King and Queen arrive at Norway Hall in Duluth. King Harald is given flowers by Atle Anders Faith Rennan (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
Enger TowerKing Harald and Quenn Sonja on their way to Enger Tower (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
Enger TowerQueen Sonja shows the five paper crowns she were given on her way up to the tower (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
Enger TowerEnger Tower (Photo: Lise Åserud, Scanpix)
Enger TowerKing Harald speeks at the rededication of Enger Tower (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
NACCKing Harald speaks at the Norwegian American Chamber of Commerce's Trade and Achievement Award Luncheon in New York (Photo: Tom Hansen)
Luminous ModernismFrom left: Crown Princess Mary, King Harald, Queen Sonja, King Carl Gustaf, President Tarja Halonen and Queen Silvia at the opening of the exhibition "Luminous Modernism" (Photo: Christine A. Butler/American-Scandinavian Foundation)
Luminous ModernismQueen Sonja opened the exhibition Luminous Modernism (Photo: Tor Richardsen / Scanpix)
Luminous ModernismKing Harald with Edward Gallagher of the ASF, during the visit to "Luminous Modernism" (Photo: Christine A. Butler / American-Scandinavian Foundation)
Ground ZeroGround Zero, New York (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
Ground ZeroFrom L to R: Crown Princess Mary, Crown Prince Frederik, President Tarja Halonen, King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Queen Sonja, King Harald, Dorrit Moussaieff and President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson visit the 9/11 Memorial Site (Photo: Andrew Kelley / Reuters / Scanpix)
Ground ZeroQueen Sonja and King Harald laid flowers by the Survivor's Tree at Ground Zero (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
MoMAKing Harald and Queen Sonja at MoMA, New York (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
MoMAQueen Sonja and King Harald by the model of the Opera House in Oslo, a gift to the Museum of Modern Art (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix
MoMATheir Majesties by the model of the Opera House flanked by architects from Snøhetta and Helen & Hard (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
ASF GalaKing Harald and Queen Sonja on their way to the ASF gala (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
ASF GalaGathered for the ASF Gala in New York (from left): President Tarja Halonen (from left), Queen Sonja, King Harald, Queen Silvia, King Carl Gustaf, Crown Princess Mary, Crown Prince Fredrik, Dorrit Moussaieff, President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson and Princess Madeleine (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
The Norwegian Seamen's ChurchWaiting for The King and Queen .... (Foto: Sigrid Thorbjørnsen)
The Norwegian Seamen's ChurchQueen Sonja arrives at the Norwegian Seamen's Church in New York (Photo: Lise Åserud, Scanpix)
The Norwegian Seamen's ChurchDronning Sonja with children outside the Norwegian Seamen's Church (Photo: Sigrid Thorbjørnsen)
The Norwegian Seamen's ChurchKing Harald and Queen Sonja during the Service at the Norwegian Seamen's Church in New York (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
The Norwegian Seamen's ChurchKing Harald and Queen Sonja with members of the Children's quire that sang for them at the Seamen's Church (Poto: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
The Norwegian Seamen's ChurchQueen Sonja with artist Haavard Homstvedt during a tour of the Trygve Lie Gallery. (Photo: Sigrid Thorbjørnsen)
The Norwegian Seamen's ChurchKing Harald and Queen Sonja with artist Thomas Phil during a tour of the Trygve Lie Gallery. (Photo: Sigrid Thorbjørnsen)
Queen SonjaQueen Sonja (Photo: Sigrid Thorbjørnsen)